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Raspberry Pi and Graphic Display Interfaces

Here is a project that uses our 128x64 Graphic Display / User Interface for the RPI 3.

The user interface module has a 1.4" LCD, three pushbuttons (UP, DOWN, ENTER) and a bi-color (Red/Green/Amber) LED for status indication.

To operate off the RPi 3, the display interface is resource heavy: it uses a total of 19 GPIO lines!

  • 8 for LCD data bus
  • 5 for LCD control lines
  • 1 for LCD backlight
  • 2 for Status LED
  • 3 for Push Buttons

The test software is written in "C" using the Geany compiler. The software features:

  • 7 lines of display
  • Font table 6x8
  • Programmable LEFT or CENTER Justification
  • Programmable Character Height (1 line or 2 lines)
  • Programmable Character Width (Standard or Double)

The hardware used is the RPI 3, the Pi-SPi-PROTO prototype pcb, and the WL-ERC12864 KIT. The only other components added are three 10K ohm pullup resistors for the push button lines.

In development is a add on module to the Pi-SPi line that uses GPIO expanders to minimize the number of GPIO lines required - the new module will use the SPI bus and 2 chip selects. This design will be more practical for real world applications.

The sample code for the above is available to anyone interested, just drop us a line at



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