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Node-RED and the WL-MIO Process Controller

WL-MIO Raspberry Pi PLC Process Controller and Node-Red


The WL-MIO series of modules have Node-RED support.

Here are the steps to get started:

Step 1

Make sure the libwlmio libraries are installed. Follow the steps in

Step 2

Install npm and libgpiod:

sudo apt install npm libgpiod-dev

Step 3

Start Node-RED from RasPiMenu -> Programming -> Node-RED

Step 4

Open a web browser on the RPi and go to http://localhost:1880

Step 5

Click on the hamburger menu in the top-right and then select Manage Palette

Step 6

On the install tab search for: wlmio

Step 7

Install the node-red-contrib-wlmio package

Once the Node-RED package is installed, you are ready to start creating flows!

WL-MIO Node-Red Sample Flow